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Old scripts by BS_CiD - Printable Version

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Old scripts by BS_CiD - Shadz - 09-06-2011

AFK Script.
//afk script
afkshowmessage = 1

afkmessage = " 3is AFK. he will be back shortly."

timeuntilafk = 300

curafk = 0T
afktime = 0
alias afk [
if $arg1 [
if (= $curafk 0) [
oldname = $curname
name (ShadowZ|afk)
curafk = 1
echo "You are now set to: AFK"
if $afkshowmessage [say (concat "AFKScript:"  $oldname  $afkmessage )]
] [
if $curafk [
name $oldname
curafk = 0
echo "You are now set to: ONLINE"
alias notafk [
if (= $afktime 0) [afkcheck]
afktime = 0
if (= $curafk 1) [afk 0]
alias afkcheck [
afktime = (+ $afktime 5)
if (= 2 (+ (> $afktime (* $timeuntilafk 1000)) (= $curafk 0))) [afk 1]
sleep 5 afkcheck
bind w [forward;notafk]
bind a [left;notafk]
bind s [backward;notafk]
bind d [right;notafk]
bind UP [forward;notafk]
bind DOWN [backward;notafk]
bind RIGHT [right;notafk]
bind LEFT [left;notafk]
//END of AFK Script

Forceteam script - Used to troll bad people when you have admin >:}D
//force script - By CiD
alias force_cn -1;
alias forceloop_o [
    callvote 5 $force_cn;
    sleep 5000 forceloop;
alias forceloop [];
alias start_force [
    alias forceloop $forceloop_o;
alias stop_force [
    alias forceloop [];
alias force [
    if (< $numargs 1) [
        echo "Error: FORCE needs a ClientNumber!";
    ] [
        alias force_cn $arg1;
bind F8 [ stop_force;echo "Force Stopped!" ]