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Hi I am Lateralus and this is my story.

I come from a pygmy clan known as =SA=. It was about 1 year ago when we encountered the first white man. He brought fire sticks that would incinerate with one stroke on rough paper. He also brought shiny objects that could see into another dimension. As i held it up to my face I saw an alien and at first I screamed and cowered in fear. White man reassured me that it was safe. He call this shiny object "mirror"

I come to your land as a token of friendship. With me I bring banana belt as gift. Only our fiercest warriors can wear this so it should be received with pride. Please wear or eat as necessary.

Ask me anything.
HAHA I found this highly amusing.
Welcome in, old friend.
Nice reddit terminology.
[Image: 6a00e553cfa7528833011168f82d69970c-800wi.jpg]
Shall the banana belt be shared all at once, or shall we take turns wearing it?
Hi and welcome to these forums. Enjoy your stay!
(07-26-2012, 06:59 PM)V-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Shall the banana belt be shared all at once, or shall we take turns wearing it?

Everyone may share. First one to lose banana off belt must stand over fire pit and roast banana for others. - question good.
Hello and welcome!
Interesting story. Are you sure who you met was really the very first white man?
Is it possible to transform the banana into a RINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRING banana phone?
[spoiler]bird is the word![/spoiler]
Holah, welcome.
(07-27-2012, 01:49 AM)applecake Wrote: [ -> ]Is it possible to transform the banana into a RINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRING banana phone?

sure stick it up to your ear and i'll take a pictur!e XD

Thanks for welcoming me everyone. I've spoken with a few of you in irc and I hope to get to know all of you in time. I'm always up to a friendly spar in AC so drop me a line if you're interested.
Hey Lateralus, welcome to our forums.
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