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Full Version: Application Information
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The application process is fairly straight forward. I'm not fully sure what it is. But apply and we will see if you get in.

If you are applying, these are some questions you may want to answer and talk about in your application. Answering all of these would be silly, but if you want to, you can. This is the first test, answer the ones that you think we would need to see Wink
Also, don't suck up to us. Compliments are nice, but only if you mean them.
  • How would you describe us?
  • Who all do you know/want to know here in the clan?
  • Who is your favorite member?
  • What is your playing style like?
  • Some screenshots of your playing.
  • Past clans you have been in, and why you left.
  • Past nicknames.
  • Have you ever been banned/blacklisted, and why?
  • Why do you want to be in the clan?
  • Why do we want you?
  • Just talk about yourself or anything else for a few sentences.
  • What are your favorite three songs? (Youtube links would be nice)
  • What is your favorite picture?
  • If you got 100$ gift card to Best Buy (an general electronics store, supplies games, PCs, washing machines, and such), what would you buy? 80 boxes of Mike 'n Ike's?
Some notes about these questions; Playing style includes what weapon you like, what map, what mode. Just talking about yourself is critical to your application process.

Some things to expedite your acceptance into our clan:
  • Do not wear our tag until you get accepted
  • Hang out in our IRC
  • Get to know us!
  • Be nice!